Friday 22 March 2013

Easter Mini Egg Nails


Long time, no post.

It's almost Easter and I've spotted some new nail polishes that look remarkably like Cadbury's Mini Eggs. The first (and probably most famous) is a collection by Illamasqua, mentioned in Vogue Online's Spring Makeup 2013 article as "Like a bird's egg found nestled in the garden, this pastel polish features matte black glitter flecks for a speckled finish." At £14.50 they're a bit more expensive than a chocolate egg, but something different :)

Personally, I prefer Deborah Lippmann nail polishes, slightly brighter colours and smaller glitter fragments? (I may have imagined that, but I think these ones look better). At £16.00, treat yourself. No doubt there will be a Barry M version hitting the highstreet shelves soon.

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