Friday 6 January 2012

Chanel Copies

Top designers have always been copied by less expensive brands. Chanel makeup seems to have been copied a lot recently due to the beautiful collections they keep creating.

So let's see, Rimmel:

On the left is Rimmel London's eye shadow quad in Sweet Smoulder, on the right, Chanel's eye shadow quad in Sparkling Satins.. Look! Twins!! However similar the colours look here though, the Rimmel version doesn't even come close to the sparkle, shimmer, colour longevity and blendability (I know i just made up a word, but it's a good one!) of the Chanel. Not to mention the fact that the Chanel version comes in a gorgeous compact that we'd all like to be seen out with. Sparkling Satins has been one of my top 5 eye shadows for years now and I wear them every week. With the amount I use them you'd imagine they'd run out but the colours just keep coming and they are brilliant value even with the pricetag. 

Barry, your turn next:


This has to be one of the best copies ever, many other reviewers have tested both and cannot tell the difference. I personally think the Chanel has a little more shine (and definitely lasts so much longer!) but for the price difference many will opt for the Barry M 'Dusky Mauve' version.

Revlon, you're up:

No one does glitter like Chanel. As shown above, Chanel is a clear winner in the eyeshadow stakes and the same is reflected here. Both limited edition vanishes are grey-green and sparkly but Chanel Graphite looks gold in some lights, silver shimmer in others while Revlon's Carbonite (come on, they even copied the name) is a much flatter colour. Unlike before, I think you need to splash out on this one if you want the real deal (lets face it, it is beautiful) but good luck getting any before it all runs out! Oh, and P.S. when you take Chanel Graphite off, it is a bit of a glitter fest, but then I like that so it's no problem for me!

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